Stock Bears

13” Fuzzy Wuzzy




13” Head to Toe
10” Sitting

Available With:

Cute, whimsical smiles despite their furrowed brows! Detailed foot pads for their oversize feet!

Min Qty to Order:
24 Pieces

Price Includes Accessory + Logo:
$11.10* (T-Shirt)
$12.00* (Hoody)

9 1/2” JP




9 1/2” Sitting
12” Head to Toe

Available With:

Hunched back cuties with pot bellies

Min Qty to Order:
36 Pieces

Price Includes Accessory + Logo:
$10.50* (T-Shirt)
$11.40* (Hoody)
$11.60* (Varsity Javcket)

8 1/2” Aly & Abby



8 1/2” Head to Toe
11” Sitting

Available With:

This pair has been an instant hit with their cute smiles and premium fur.

Min Qty to Order:
36 Pieces

Price Includes Accessory + Logo:
$8.70* (T-Shirt
$9.60* (Hoody)

12 1/2” Ollie

12 1/2” Head to Toe
10 1/2” Sitting

Available With:

Throwback, old-fashioned bear with soft, oatmeal fur

Min Qty to Order:
24 Pieces

Price Includes Accessory + Logo:
$11.25* (T-Shirt
$12.15* (Hoody)

9 1/2” Fred, Louie, Bella and Beau

9 1/2” Sitting
12 1/2” Head to Toe

Available With:

Fred has consistently been our #1 selling bear for the last 10 years! Dress them in different ways to reach different audiences

Min Qty to Order:
24 Pieces (Scrubs, Grad Outfit)
36 Pieces (Large T-Shirt, Large Hoody, Varsity Jacket)

Price Includes Accessory + Logo:
$9.42* (T-Shirt)
$10.35* (Hoody)
$10.50* (Varsity Jacket)
$11.10 (Scrubs)
$11.95 (Grad Outfit)

*Royalty if applicable to be added to price